Monday, July 28, 2008

A Final Note from Madrid

So our last week in Madrid is coming to a close. We leave for Germany in three days and I have suddenly realized all the stuff I have left to do! Last week we had some big plans for seeing the city but never fail! Megan´s body has a way of distracting from great plans...that´s right, I got the Flu on Tuesday night and was in bed most of the day every day until Sunday. I did get to watch some great movies on TV and listen to a lot of music and catch up on some sleep...yeah right I need to cut back on the sleep big time! We did some shopping for the missionaries and they invited us to a 24th of July celebration where they had sloppy joes! I still feeling a little under the weather passed on the Joes but did have a ton of delicious watermelon and salad. I miss good food! Another missionary couple fed us on Sunday an AMAZING dinner. We are so sad to leave our new friends behind. We said good-bye to them on Sunday and it is starting to sink in how fast the time is going by. We have almost been gone for three months now! It seems like yesterday we wondering about the pig leg in our kitchen...which was finally removed a few weeks ago.
We did make it to the temple on Saturday morning and it is always so nice to attend the temple. It brings such a peaceful feeling to the day and we are always glad to be there. Plus the temple is air conditioned! It is getting so hot here at night that we are having trouble sleeping. Plus you have to remember that my husband is a heater lying next to me turned on full blast! But we will always remember this summer and all its many up´s and down´s
Tyler and I have really enjoyed being together so much. At home there is a lot that keeps us busy so it is nice to have the opportunity to just hang out. This leads to some pretty interesting conversations, as I think I have mentioned before. We talk a lot about our future plans and I laugh at how different we are. For instance, Tyler says ¨I think the place we live should be near trout fishing¨ I say trout fishing is the farthest down the list as I could possibly think of qualifications on where we live one day. He is so funny sometimes. I know I have my quirks too. We are a good match.
Madrid and Spain have been an amazing experience for us. The city is beautiful and the country is amazing. We have seen and done so many things and we are so blessed to have had this time here. We will never forget the memories that have been created and we are better people for our experiences here. So that brings us to the end of our final post from Spain. We are off on another adventure and are so excited to take on the world! Hasta Luego!

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