Wednesday, March 30, 2011

A Garden for bell

I attended a lecture today with the great Dr. bell hooks. She said many remarkable things discussing literature and spirituality. One of the things she said that remained with me was advice given to her by a buddhist monk.

"Hold on to your anger, and turn it into compost for your garden."

She had expressed her anger to the monk about her relationship with her boyfriend. He asked her about the qualities he had that angered her. Then he asked her about the qualities in him that made her fall in love in the first place. He asked her, "Are all those reasons you fell in love lost to you?" He was able to make her see that she could reconcile her anger with these feelings and create something beautiful, like a garden. While their intimate relationship didn't work out, Dr. hooks remains close friends with her ex to this day. What a positive thought!

I also loved that Dr. hooks described herself as a "book-slut" reading anything and everything. She also writes the word LOVE on her shoes, so as to always stick to her life's mantra, walk in love.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

That really hurt!

Wilson, you hurt my finger!

Prince Wilson

Called Prince for a reason...he is so charming!

The Benji

You can get it for any number of reasons. But trust me, you don't want it. It ain't pretty. It means...Benji is mad. Watch out. Hide yo kids. Hide Wilson. Here is the Benji!

The Triplets

The twins have a cousin exactly one year older than them, Scottie. They LOVE Scottie. Whenever the three of them are together, I imagine this is what it would be like to have triplets. Do you know what would REALLY send me over the edge? Triplets!