Saturday, March 20, 2010

12 Days of Hospital

On the first day of Hospital, Benji had to endure...
being on a ventilator!

On the second day of Hospital, Benji had to endure...
two super infections, and being on a ventilator!

On the third day of Hospital, Benji had to endure...
three vital tubes, two super infections, and being on a ventilator!

On the fourth day of Hospital, Benji had to endure...
four IV lines, three vital tubes, two super infections, and being on a ventilator!

On the fifth day of Hospital, Benji had to endure...
four IV lines, three vital tubes, two super infections, and being on a ventilator!

On the sixth day of Hospital, Benji had to endure...
six breaths per minute,
four IV lines, three vital tubes, two super infections, and being on a ventilator!

On the seventh day of Hospital, Benji had to endure...
seven shots of morphine, six breaths per minute,
four IV lines, three vital tubes, two super infections, and being on a ventilator!

On the eighth day of Hospital, Benji had to endure...
eight different nurses, seven shots of morphine, six breaths per minute,
four IV lines, three vital tubes, two super infections, and being on a ventilator!

On the ninth day of Hospital, Benji had to endure...
nine year old neighbors, eight different nurses, seven shots of morphine, six breaths per minute,
four IV lines, three vital tubes, two super infections, and being on a ventilator!

On the tenth day of Hospital, Benji had to endure...
ten Residents per team, nine year old neighbors, eight different nurses, seven shots of morphine, six breaths per minute,
four IV lines, three vital tubes, two super infections, and being on a ventilator!

On the eleventh day of Hospital, Benji had to endure...
eleven ounces lost, ten Residents per team, nine year old neighbors, eight different nurses, seven shots of morphine, six breaths per minute,
four IV lines, three vital tubes, two super infections, and being on a ventilator!

On the twelfth day of Hospital, Benji had to endure...
twelve days without Wilson, eleven ounces lost, ten Residents per team, nine year old neighbors, eight different nurses, seven shots of morphine, six breaths per minute,
four IV lines, three vital tubes, two super infections, and being on a ventilator!

After 12 days in the hospital, Benjamin has put up with quite a bit. He is a fighter! He was taken of the ventilator twice (!) and had a rough time because he was intubated for so long. The doctors hoped his ventilation would only be needed for one to two days but he ended up being on a ventilator a full week. He was one of the sickest babies in the ICU but also one of the most loved. You should have seen everyone who came to bid him good-bye when we were sent out of the ICU! He is a rock-star! Benji is such a sweet boy and we are happy to have him feeling better. We are also happy to be home!!!

When Wilson and Benjamin were reunited it was so sweet to see them recognize each other and both of them break out into huge smiles and giggles. I love my little boys so much! Thank you everyone who helped us through this tough time. We count our blessings every day.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Benji Update

Over the weekend, Benjamin was able to stabilize, which made the medical team (and worried parents!) very happy that further aggressive measures were not necessary. There is still more they could do to help him if he didn't stabilize, but not much, so we are grateful he didn't digress to that point. He is responding to intubation exactly as the doctors have hoped he would. He has been in critical but stable condition and overall making progress towards being taken off the ventilator.

It has been very difficult to watch our little baby go through this experience. The mucus in his lungs is relentless! The medical team is constantly having to suction out his lungs and nasal passageways. The mucus is about the consistency of rubber cement so you can imagine what his poor little lungs are going through. His lungs are looking and sounding less congested, but he has had a few ups and downs over the past few days. Because of the strong build up of mucus and the constant need for suctioning and respiratory therapy, his lungs have been partially collapsing in different spots and so he needs to stay on the ventilator for awhile longer.

He has been breathing more and more on his own. Previously he would take 2-4 breaths a minute on his own and the ventilator did the rest. At times he would not take any breaths on his own and the ventilator was his sole support. Now about half of his breaths are his own. He has had a few "trials" where the medical team turns off the ventilation support and tests his breathing. He has done very well on those trials and so we are hopeful that he will be taken off ventilation support soon.

He is also on a round of antibiotics because he is a "colonizer" for the bacteria which causes staph infection. This means he himself does not have a staph infection but could infect others with the bacteria and could possibly develop one himself if the proper measures aren't taken. Basically, he is a menace to the ICU society and has to be isolated. We are fine with this because it means a private room in a more quiet area and so far he is showing no signs of the bacteria doing any harm to him.

We thank everyone for their prayers and support. There is no doubt in our minds that God lives and he is watching out for our family. In my patriarchal blessing, I was counseled to marry a man who was a worthy priesthood holder and could "call down the blessings of heaven" upon our home. Tyler was able to offer Benji a blessing on Saturday in the midst of his rapidly deteriorating state. It is NO COINCIDENCE that after the blessing, Benji stabilized and began responding to treatment that had been unsuccessful for hours previous. We are grateful for the medical team and all they are doing, but more importantly, through the priesthood, Benji is blessed with the most powerful protection possible. Angels are with our little boy and the Spirit whispers comfort to us all. Such tender mercies are the sweetest thing about the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Tyler gave a small FHE lesson yesterday while we were in the hospital and I was touched by some of the things he said and by some of my own realizations. We talked about how difficult it is to turn our trust over to Heavenly Father to care for our son. It is hard to put that kind of faith in someone. I realized at that moment Benji is also God's son and when he was born, Heavenly Father put the same faith in me to be his mother and care for His son while in this mortal existence. It was a powerful moment and I will try to always remember it. Being a mother, I don't have to remind those of you who are, is the greatest calling in life.

Wilson is still doing well. He is charming the pants off of all who are take care of him. We miss spending time with him and miss having our little family together. The other night I wanted to turn their swings on while I slept because I am so used to the noise. It is hard to imagine these boys have only been here for three months and already have carved out such a special place in our hearts. We are the luckiest parents.

Sunday, March 7, 2010


Friday night I took Benjamin to the ER because he was having complications from RSV. Throughout the night, his breathing became more and more labored. His need for oxygen became greater and greater. By early morning, they transferred us to the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit at Primary Children's Hospital, and a few hours later Benjamin had total respiratory failure. They have since had to intubate him and he relies solely on a ventilator for breathing. Everything happened so quickly that I was not sure what was going on, but later on Tyler and I had a horrifying realization of just how sick our little guy is. We are grateful that I was prompted to take Benji to the ER because the medical team was able to quickly take care of his deteriorating state.

Now he is still on the ventilator, stable, and diagnosed with RSV Pneumonia. He has a lot of mucus in his lungs and he is just to little to cough it all out. On top of that he has developed a super infection (super meaning on top of the virus he already has) and is fighting a bacterial infection now too.

Please keep Benjamin in your prayers. We love this little boy so much and anyone who knows him knows he already has such a sweet and gentle spirit. Thank you to everyone who is fasting and praying for him now. We love our family and friends so much!

Wilson, by the way is doing fine. He too had a viral infection and heavy cough, but he has recovered to his fully mischievous self. I think he misses his Benji.

It is funny how I call him Benji. Lindsie said she would call him that and I was horrified! Benji is a dog's name! But now all I call him is Benji.